Welcome to the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra’s (OPO) 32nd Season! I would like to extend a warm invitation for your school to participate in the OPO’s Orchestra of Distinction award!
The OPO’s Orchestra of Distinction program was developed to showcase the excellent musicianship and instructors of Central Florida schools, while also providing valuable insight from our professional musicians to inspire and delight our community’s students. We are excited to also include Middle School this year!
OPO musicians and Education Committee members will serve as part of an adjudicator panel throughout the entire process, providing valuable encouragement, support and feedback on each school’s written application, anonymous sound samples, and live performances.
Middle and High school orchestras from all over Florida are eligible to apply for the program. Four orchestras will receive the honor of being named the HS/MS Orchestra of Distinction and the HS/MS Orchestra in the Wings. With these awards, schools will receive partnering opportunities with the Orlando Philharmonic and recognition on stage at our final concert of the season!
Each group will submit a completed application and 2 recording of select works to aconrod@orlandophil.org. Recordings will be uploaded to YouTube, and instructions will be provided. All materials and an application fee of $100 are due by February 14th, 2025. Checks can be made payable to Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra (425 North Bumby Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803). Finalists will be announced by mid-February.
Thank you for your interest in applying! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to working with you!
Amy Conrod
Director of Education and Community
Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra
407.896.6700 ex. 232
Please read the video submission instructions before completing the application form.